

Dance Science



Dance Science is a new but fast growing area of research and study. In many ways, dance science is like sports science but where in sport, the goals are quantitative, in dance the goals are qualitative and therefore the extent to which these goals are measurable in dance is an exciting challenge for dance scientists. Dance science is : in investigation of the dancing body through physiology, psychology and biomechanics in order to enhance dance training and optimise performance potential. This presentation will highlight developments in dance science international1y and discuss some of the major research projects that have taken place. Laban pioneered the first Masters degree in dance science (MSc Dance Science) and this presentation will also include an overview of Laban's role in dance science.


  • Emma Redding 영국 라반

※ 기관로그인 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다.

  • 6,100원

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