

Development of an Instrument-independent Quantitative Lateral Flow Immunoassay for the Osteoarthritis Diagnosis




We developed a quantitative lateral flow immunoassay (QLFI) for the osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosis. Unlike the conventional LFI requiring external optical instrumentation for the quantitative analysis, this QLFI does not require additional equipment except naked eyes. Contrary to the test zone of conventional LFI which is prepared in single capturing antibody line, QLFI’s test zone is prepared in a herringbone-pattern containing 25 capturing antibody spots. When QLFI is operated with gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-tagged signaling antibody as an optical probe, each spots of the test zone are colored by the NP accumulation from the affinity between antigen and antibody. The number of developed spots increased in proportion to the concentration of antigens applied. By counting the numbers of developed spots, antigen concentration could be evaluated simply. We employed the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) as a model antigen which is the best cartilage degradation biomarker for OA diagnosis. By using QLFI, without sophisticated external instrumentation, we obtained calibration results for the COMP concentration from 0.6 to 19 μg/mL, covering the required clinical detection range.


  • Yo Han JANG Department of Applied Chemistry &Biotechnology, Ajou University.
  • Yong Duk HAN Department of Applied Chemistry &Biotechnology, Ajou University.
  • Hyun C. YOON Department of Applied Chemistry &Biotechnology, Ajou University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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