

Review Article

Acacia mangium Willd. - A Fast Growing Tree for Tropical Plantation




Acacia mangium is an evergreen fast-growing tropical tree, which can grow up to 30 m tall and 50 cm thick, under favorable conditions. It is a low-elevation species associated with rain forest margins and disturbed, well-drained acid soils. It is native to Papua, Western Irian Jaya and the Maluku islands in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and north-eastern Queensland in Australia. Due to its rapid growth and tolerance of very poor soils, A. mangium was introduced into some Asian, African and western hemisphere countries where it is used as a plantation tree. A. mangium has good quality wood traits, such as a comparatively low proportion of parenchymatous cells and vessels, white and hard wood, and high calorific value. Therefore, it is useful for a variety of purposes, such as furniture, cabinets, turnery, floors, particleboard, plywood, veneer, fence posts, firewood, and charcoal. It is also being used in pulp and paper making because it has good pulp traits, with high yields of pulp, quality of kraft, and produces paper with good optical, physical and surface properties. Because there are significant provenance differences in growth rate, stem straightness, heartwood formation and frequency of multiple leaders, the productivity and quality also varies depending upon environmental conditions, so genetic improvement programmes have been undertaken in countries like Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. The programme includes provenance identifications and testing, plus tree selection and clonal multiplication, establishment of seed orchards and hybridization. The phenology, reproductive biology, fruit characteristics, silvicultural practices for cultivation, pest and diseases problems, production of improved planting stock, harvesting, wood properties and utilization have been discussed in this paper.


 Environmental Conditions
  Vegetation types
 Botanical Descriptions
  Tree morphology
  Leaves (phyllodes)
  Growth phenology
  Flowering phenology
  Inflorescences, flowers and fruits
 Reproductive Biology and Breeding System
  Floral biology
  Inflorescences, flowers and fruits
  Breeding system
 Genetics and Improvement
  Provenance variation
  Plus tree selection
  Seed stands and seed orchards
 Seed Biology
  Seed harvesting and collection
  Seed extraction and cleaning
  Seed storage
  Dormancy and pretreatment
  Seed germination and nursery practices
  Vegetative propagation
 Silviculture and Management
  Silvicultural characteristics
  Silvicultural practices
  Site preparation
  Fertilizer application
  Pruning and thinning schedule
  Coppicing and second rotation
  Growth and yield
 Pest and Diseases
  Important insect-pests
  Important diseases
 Wood Properties and Utilization
  Anatomical, physical and mechanical properties ofA. mangium wood
  Utilization of wood


  • Maheshwar Hegde Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, R. S Puram, PB 1061 Coimbatore -641002, India
  • K. Palanisamy Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, R. S Puram, PB 1061 Coimbatore -641002, India
  • Jae Seon Yi College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Republic of Korea


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