


유치권의 문제점에 관한 연구 - 부동산경매절차에서 발생하는 문제점을 중심으로


A study on the issue of lien - Real estate auction process focused on issues that arise from


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korea, the IMF is correct, while the second half of a 90-year auction market began to be activated on the 1st of July 2002 introduction of Civil Enforcement newly booming auction market because of the turn, but without the new changes with regard to the lien has reached now. Lien from the report is established by any bidder as good andoedeo hayeogeum properly evaluate the value of real estate are preventing. Investigation of a lien on the auction process and the establishment of a lien neglected by the parties, whether to acquire such bonds for a range of easily exploited ignorant 'is false. Exaggerated lien or no lien by virtue of "there is no way to verify this report even at the bidders to bid enough to give up or to drop the sale price and sale price dropping to wait, even if you get Meridian makers attract rejection of the Indian real estate is restricted in use, and many other social issues has emerged. In other words, to attract the advent of the owner of the auction process results in delays and loss of the bid and any dispute relating to India and the cause, and the debtor, such as third parties to exploit this point as a means of obstructing an officer tongmohayeo makers naesewoogi attract even the most is. Nevertheless, a lien with respect to civil law enforcement Article 91, paragraph 5 of Act 274 is all about Joe, throughout the auction process to protect the lien is a procedural system can not afford. As a result, 'legitimate lien' protection against lack of, and stakeholders the lien 'unfair lien "whether the lack information on the lien rights to the analysis done properly and could not, lien of the argument about whether the uncertainty and negative Enhancing the auction due to the identification of many complaints is a reality that feels. Enhancing the real estate auction, so, to improve the uncertainty of the lien auction process bidders and interested parties to participate in the exact right data can be caused by a lien on the auction block of the confusion over the stability of real estate auctions to sell real estate in the normal price should be helpful.


 Ⅱ 부동산경매에서의 유치권의 법적구조
  1. 유치권의 의의
  2. 유치권의 법률적 성질
  3. 유치권의 성립요건
  4. 유치권의 효력
  5. 유치권의 소멸
 Ⅲ 외국의 유치권의 사례
  1. 독일의 유치권 제도
  2. 프랑스의 유치권 제도
  3. 스위스의 유치권 제도
  4. 일본의 유치권 제도
 Ⅳ. 부동산경매에서 유치권 문제 및 개선방안
  1. 현황조사 및 매각물건 명세서의 공신력 결여와 유치권의 권리신고제도 도입.
  2. 유치권행사의 남용(행사상의 문제)
  3. 유치권의 효력상의 문제
  4. 유치권 점유에 관한 문제(유치권등기명령제도 도입)
  5. 유치권자의 경매청구권의 실효성 및 간이변제충당권 활용
  6. 유치권의 인수주의의 불합리성
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박규진 Gyu Jin, Park. 동국대학교 일반대학원 법학과 박사 수료(부동산법 전공)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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