

Production of bioethanol and biodiesel from unconventional raw materials (low cost waste organics) using challengeable bioprocess engineering


Ho Nam Chang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A manufacturing process use raw materials through appropriate processing, and end up with final products of our needs. Mechanical and electronics industries use many parts that can be assembled into final products such as automobiles and televisions, etc. Chemical and biotech industries use chemicals and biochemical to make their own products from raw materials such as coals, oils, natural gases; starch bearing plants, sugar canes, and their derivative products. Biotech industries needs raw materials (mainly biological but some chemical) to produce products of their needs from small molecules (MW less than 100) to very large molecules such as proteins, macromolecules (PHBs, PHAs) and even stem cells for tissue engineering for regenerative medicine. Biotech products are very diverse these days. Here I like to focus on two products of bioethanol and biodiesels by chemical catalysts, and fermentation using unconventional raw materials (low cost waste organics); unconventional fermentation technologies of mixed culture; unconventional bioreactor technologies (multi-stage continuous high cell density culture: MSC-HCDC) and downstream processing of water removing technologies. In this way perhaps we can make microbial diesel, currently known as uneconomical, economical.


  • Ho Nam Chang KAIST, Daejeon 305-701 and National Research Council of Industrial S&T, Seoul 137-072, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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