

Status and Prospects of Advanced Biofuel Technologies


Jin-Suk LEE

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Conventional biofuels made from edible biomass have some disadvantages such as limited amounts of the feedstocks, poor fuel economy, low CO2 reduction effects and the incompatibility with current transportation infra. To resolve the issues associated with the conventional biofuels, active R&D works have been carried out to develop advanced biofuel technologies. However, advanced biofuels still have serious barriers for their commercial applications. The main challenge for the advanced biofuel technologies is their high production costs. In this presentation, recent developments and prospects of the advanced biofuel technologies are going to be introduced. The major challenging issues for commercialization of the advanced biofuels will also be discussed.


  • Jin-Suk LEE Korea Institute of Energy Research.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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