

Dynamical Model for Gamification@Learning


JungTae Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper proposes a dynamical model for the gamification@learning and presents its simulation. Based on the theories of Game Design Features (GDF - cool features, fancy graphics, challenging puzzles, and an intriguing setting and story), Key Characteristics of a Learning Game (KCLG - Challenge, Curiosity, Fantasy and Control), a theory of educational environment design model (ARCS - attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction), and the theoretical background of Gamification labeled as the MDA (Mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics) framework, four primary factors such as curiosity, challenge, fantasy and control have been originated. By using these four primary factors, the dynamical model for Gamification was developed. In this paper an example for the model is considered and simulated. The example and simulation make the values and characteristics of the four primary factors meaningful. I posit that this dynamical model for the gamification can strengthen the ‘theoretical foundation’ of gamification as well as spread the idea of ‘the pure and right function of game’.


 1. Introduction
 2. Dynamical Model for the Gamification
 3. Reasonable values of coefficients through an example
 4. Conclusion from the example
 5. Conclusion and Future Work


  • JungTae Kim 김정태. Professor, Game Art & Design, School of Digital Arts, Shepherd University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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