


철도시스템 개발에서 시스템 안전성을 고려한 설계검증 프로세스의 개선에 관한 연구


On the Improvement of the Design Verification Process for the Development of Railway Systems with Systems Safety Considered

심상현, 이재천

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the human demand or desire on brand new systems otherwise equipped with new functions grows drastically, so does the complexity of the systems. With this trend, the systems are becoming bigger in scale and at the same time the safety requirements are more stringent in the development. Typical systems examples in such a situation may include high-speed railway systems, aero and space systems, marine systems, etc. Failure of those systems can cause serious damages on both the human being and wealth with social infrastructure. As such, it is quite necessary to ensure that the safety requirements be satisfied in the system development. To achieve this need, there could be a lot of solutions to take. In this paper, regarding safety, a special attention is given to the verification phase process, which is one of the intermediate phases of whole systems development process. More specifically, the ultimate concern is placed on how to carry out the design verification while ensuring the safety requirements. To do so, some improvements in the verification phase were proposed first. Then, the outcomes were combined with the systems safety process by generating an integrated process model to reach the goal. As a case study, application to a railway system was discussed, where strict safety requirements are usually necessary. It would be expected that the potential likelihood of failure with rail systems could be reduced if the results obtained are used effectively with some enhancement from further study.


 1. 서론
 2. 문제의 정의
  2.1 시스템공학 프로세스와 시스템안전 프로세스의 정의
  2.2 시스템공학 프로세스의 검증 단계 개선을 통한 안전성 향상의 필요성
  2.3 시스템공학 프로세스와 시스템안전 프로세스의 연관성
  2.4 시스템공학 프로세스와 시스템안전 프로세스의 통합의 필요성
  2.5 연구 목표 및 범위
 3. 안전성 향상을 고려한 시스템공학프로세스 검증 단계 개선을 위한 모델링
  3.1 시스템공학 프로세스 및 시스템안전 프로세스 모델
  3.2 모델링 절차 요약
  3.3 통합 검증 프로세스 모델의 구조
 4. 통합 검증 프로세스 모델의 구축
  4.1 통합 검증 프로세스 모델 구축을 위한시스템공학 프로세스의 검증 단계 활동 산출물 분석
  4.2 시스템공학 프로세스의 검증 단계 활동과 시스템안전 프로세스간의 인터페이스 정의
  4.3 통합 검증 프로세스 모델
 5. 구축된 통합 검증 프로세스 모델에 대한 검증
  5.1 철도시스템 설계 적용 사례
 6. 결론
 7. 참고문헌


  • 심상현 Sang-Hyun Sim. 아주대학교 시스템공학과
  • 이재천 Jae-Chon Lee. 아주대학교 시스템공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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