

화이트 디아스포라 vs. 네이티브 디아스포라 — 디아스포라 담론에 대한 비판적 고찰


White Diaspora vs. Native Diaspora : A Critical Reflection on Contemporary Diaspora Discourse


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at critically reviewing contemporary discourses of diaspora. In doing so, this study reformulates the contemporary world order as a site of battleground between what I would define as “white diaspora” and “native diaspora.” This reformulation has two distinct purposes: first, to criticize the Eurocentricism inherent in contemporary diaspora discourses; second, to illuminate the seamy side of politico-economic globalization and the proliferation of discourses and practices of diaspora, which causes the social division between diasporic and nondiasporic classes. This study shows that diasporic practices are not always liberatory, especially when they are articulated with the discourse of imperialism. And I also attempt to conceive of the “mobile” native beyond the imperial-diasporic network of Empire. That is to say, what is important is that nondiasporic subjects do not remain passive victims of the global system; they emerge as another kind of diasporic subjects that are opposed to their bourgeois counterparts, or what I would call “native diaspora.”


I. 디아스포라와 유럽중심주의
 II. 제국주의 디아스포라
 III. 파케하의 우울중 : <피아노>
 IV. 네이티브 디아스포라 : <전사의 후예>
 V. 초국가주의와 화이트 디아스포라


  • 임경규 Kyeong-Kyu Im. 조선대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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