

이중목적어 동사의 분포


Distribution of Verbs of Double Object Constructions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In addition to the verb give, verbs of GIVING such as pay, reimburse, teach, show, tell, feed, serve, bequeath, issue, award, accord, afford, offer, lend, loan, ask, promise, guarantee, prescribe, leave, owe, allow, permit, grant, allot, allocate, assign, deny, refuse, grudge, begrudge are found in double object constructions of GIVING. Verbs of SENDING such as mail, fax, wire, email, radio, drop, write (write and send), telephone, telegraph, sell, trade, flog, send, hand, pass, throw, chuck, fling, cast, blow, shoot, slide, slip, shin, ship, fetch, return, forward, advance, bring, take, pour, pull, push, drag are found in double object constructions of GIVING. Verbs of PREPARING such as make, cook, boil, bake, mix, fix, light, melt, cut, sew, set, prepare, clear are found in double object constructions of GIVING. Verbs of GETTING such as get, buy, order, find, choose, prepare, book, reserve, catch, win, wish, secure, leave, steal, take, save, spare, answer, quote, cite are found in double object constructions of GIVING. Verbs of MAKING such as cause, make, build, bake, bear, incur, pose, do, knit, draw, paint, color, play (song), play (trick), sing, spin, write (create), read, kiss, flash, score, earn, bang, mumble, mutter, whisper are found in double object constructions of GIVING. Verbs of TAKING-OFF such as forgive, pardon, fine, charge, envy are found in double object constructions of TAKING-OFF. Verbs of TAKING such as steal, take, ask, envy, cost, save, spare are found in double object constructions of TAKING- OFF. Verbs of LOSING such as loose, kill, slay, restrict are found in double object constructions of TAKING-OFF. Steal, take, save, spare are found both in double constructions of GIVING and of TAKING-OFF.


1. 서론
 2. <수여> 동사의 DOC
 3. 비<수여> 동사의 DOC
 4. 중의적 DOC
 5. 창의적 DOC


  • 박한기 Hanki Park. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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