


장기간 발효 김치인 묵은지에서 분리한 Lactobacillus sakei JK-17의 기능성 조사


Functional Characterization of Lactobacillus sakei JK-17 Isolated from Long-term Fermented Kimchi, Muk Eun Ji

김동선, 조형우, 김대한, 오계헌

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this work was to investigate the several functional characteristics of Lactobacillus sakei JK-17 isolated from long-term fermented kimchi, Muk Eun Ji. Initially, phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA sequencing was performed to identify the isolate JK-17, and the strain could be assigned to Lactobacillus sakei and designated as L. sakei JK-17. The strain was registered in GenBank as [JX841311].
The changes of bacterial growth and residual organic acids were monitored and HPLC was used to measure quantitatively two organic acids, lactic acid and acetic acid, produced in the culture during 84 hours of incubation. During the incubation period, several functional characteristics of L. sakei JK-17 were examined. L. sakei JK-17 culture depleted nitrite concentration 94.75%. Antioxidant activity of cultural supernatants of L. sakei JK-17 was approx. 53.8%, and β-galactosidase activities were 0.243 units/mL at pH 7.0 and 0.387 units/mL at pH 4.1, respectively. The antibacterial activities against food-poisoning causing bacteria were examined with 20-fold concentrated culture supernatants from L. sakei JK-17 and the antibacterial effects were clearly observed against all bacteria tested in this work.


 1. 서론
 2. 재료 및 방법
  2.1. 세균의 분리
  2.2. 16S rRNA 염기서열의 계통수 분석
  2.3. 분리세균의 생리 화학적 특성 조사
  2.4. 분리세균의 생장에 따른 pH 변화
  2.5. HPLC에 의한 유기산 분석
  2.6. 아질산염 소거능
  2.7. 항산화능 조사
  2.8. β-Galactosidase 활성 측정
  2.9. 분리세균 JK-17의 배양상등액 제조
  2.10. 농축 배양상등액의 항균력 조사
 3. 결과 및 고찰
  3.1. 세균의 분리 및 배양
  3.2. 16S rRNA 염기서열의 계통수 분석
  3.3. 분리세균의 생리화학적 특성조사
  3.4. 분리세균의 pH 변화
  3.5. 분리세균의 생장에 따른 HPLC에 의한 유기산 분석
  3.6. 젖산균에 의한 아질산염 소거
  3.7. 항산화능
  3.8. β-Galactosidase 활성
  3.9. 항균활성 조사
 4. 결론


  • 김동선 Dong-Seon Kim. 순천향대학교 생명시스템학과
  • 조형우 Hyeong-Woo Cho. 순천향대학교 생명시스템학과
  • 김대한 Dae-Han Kim. 순천향대학교 생명시스템학과
  • 오계헌 Kye-Heon Oh. 순천향대학교 생명시스템학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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