

제약회사의 내부마케팅활동과 직무만족, 조직몰입, 이직의도와의 관계 -제약영업사원을 중심으로-


The Relationship among Internal Marketing Activities, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention in Pharamacetical ComPanies -Focusing on Pharmaceutical Salespeople-

차재빈, 류가연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The initial approach to this study is to focus on pharmaceutical companies' internal marketing activities for organizational diagnosis. By analysing the influence of internal marketing elements on the job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention of pharmaceutical salespeople, this study aims at coming up with ways to strengthen the sales capacity and competitive edge of pharmaceutical companies through the salespeople's satisfaction. For 32 days between November 10th and December 12th of 2012, a total of 210 copies of questionnaires were given to the respondents and 203 of them except 7 with insufficient answers were used for the final analysis. The analysis result showed that internal communication, delegation of authority, and reward system among the elements of internal marketing activity had a positive influence on the workers' job satisfaction. The internal marketing activity elements did not influence the respondents' organizational commitment. Job satisfaction had a positive influence on their organizational commitment, while it had a negative influence of turnover intention. The conclusion section encapsulated the results of empirical analysis and proposed practical lessons regarding pharmaceutical companies' internal marketing.


 I. 서론
  2. 연구의 목적
 II. 연구방법
  1. 연구모형 및 가설설정
  2. 조사대상 및 자료수집
  3. 조사도구
  4. 분석방법
 III. 연구결과
  1. 연구대상의 일반적 특성
  2. 신뢰성 및 탐색적 요인분석
  3. 확인적 요인분석
  4. 모형검증 및 가설검정
 IV. 고찰 및 결론


  • 차재빈 Jae-Bin Cha. 경희대학교 일반대학원 경영학과
  • 류가연 Ga-Yeon RYU. 경희대학교 일반대학원 경영학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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