

Where Does Syntax Meet Morphology? : IP


Yong-Myeong Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Yong-Myeong. 2013. Where Does Syntax Meet Morphology?: IP. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 38-1, 87-114. The purpose of this paper is to explore a research question, where does syntax interact with morphology in interlanguage (IL) developments? For an answer to this question, this study proposes an IP-related Developmental Sequence (IDS) which constitutes an implicational scale of Single IP—Double IP—Multiple IP Stage. Each stage of the IDS incorporates two different dimensions of sequential developments according to the Modular Approach (Ellis, 1994; Gregg, 1996; White, 1987). The one is an IP-related Syntactic Developmental Sequence (ISDS), and the other is an IP-related Morphological Developmental Sequence (IMDS). Each Sequence follows an implicational scale of Underspecified IP→(ModP→AuxP*)→TP→AgrP→ForP stage, on each stage of which each relevant syntactic and morphological mechanism operates by incorporating the locality condition (LC) and the uniqueness condition (UC) with the Split-IP hypothesis and the Split-AuxP hypothesis. From the corollary of this, an answer to our research question can be obtained; IP. That is, syntax on the ISDS interacts with morphology on the IMDS, and hence syntactic IL developments along with the ISDS entail morphological IL developments along with the IMDS. Thus, the ISDS and the IMDS hinge on and interact with each other under the IDS. (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation)


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1 Syntactic Developmental Sequence (SDS)
  2.2 Morphological Developmental Sequence (MDS)
 3. An IP-related Developmental Sequence (IDS)
 4. IP-related Developmental Stages
  4.1 The Single IP Stages
  4.2 The Double IP Stages
  4.3 The Multiple IP Stages
  4.4 Summary of the IP-related Developmental Stages


  • Yong-Myeong Kim Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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