

지방중소도시 노후주거지 실태에 따른 대안적 정비 방안


The Current Status and Alternative Improvement of Deteriorated Housing Areas in Small and Medium-sized Cities

최창규, 김항집

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korean Government has promoted the development of the country and mostly focused on metropolitan regions and industrial hubs since 1960s. That has worked in some extents, but local small cities have been relatively excepted in economic and social developments. Those cities have had the spreading of deteriorating housing area as the two factors have declined. Recently the Korean Government and academics have tried to improve the residential condition in those area. It is hard to develop pin-pointing policies due to the lack of the analysis on those areas. This study tries to understand the current status of deteriorated housing areas in local small cities and suggest alternative improvements. By analyzing data from literatures and local governments, this study could find that the populations size of city is strongly related with the extent of deterioration of housing area. The structures, facilities, and sizes of housing are getting worse as the population size of cities become smaller. The deteriorated housing area’s conditions vary with the number of houses and infrastructure conditions. Withe the understanding of the current status, this study suggests the alternatives for the deteriorated housing area as following: developing affordable housing supply and repair model, increasing public participation and support system, and suggesting the total approaching system.


 1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2. 선행연구 검토
 2. 지방중소도시 주거지 및 주택 노후화·불량화 실태 분석
  2.1. 지방중소도시의 범위
  2.2. 지방중소도시 쇠퇴의 전반적 실태
  2.3. 지방중소도시의 주거 실태
  2.4. 지방중소도시 저소득층의 주거실태 분석
 3. 지방중소도시 노후 주거지 차원의 실태 분석
  3.1. 분석자료 개요
  3.2. 정비사업 필요 지구의 분포 특성
  3.3. 정비 필요 지구 내 주택 및 기반시설 현황
 4. 지방중소도시 주거지 정비를 위한 대안적 정비 방안
  4.1. 지방중소도시 주거지 환경개선을 위한 대안적 방향
  4.2. 주민수요지향형 주거지환경 개선 및 주택관리 방안
  4.3. 공공의 참여 및 지원 확대 방안
  4.4. 지방중소도시 주거지정비 제도개선 방안
 5. 결론


  • 최창규 Choi, Chang Gyu. 한양대학교 도시대학원 교수
  • 김항집 Kim, Hang-Jib. 광주대학교 도시계획ㆍ부동산학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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