

사회경제적 지표 비교를 통한 도시재생 정책의 변화 시기 분석


A Study on the Policy for Integrated Urban Regeneration and socioeconomic index in the Developed Countries

이영은, 유해연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objective of this study is to research about the relationship of regeneration policy and socioeconomic index. Especially in this study, the improvement schemes is considered in socioeconomic index change and major urban regeneration policy influenced by socioeconomic condition. The analysis method are Comparing and analyzing socioeconomic condition by 3 sector and 6 indices: population- poplulation growth, birth rate, population aging, economy-GDP per person, and urban condition- urbanization rate, housing distribution rate. There are many issues regards to some of intensive national urban renewal projects such things as fragmented legal organizations, indiscriminate urban areas projects and physical approaches to sustainable environment. However, it is required to have changes of policies to achieve 'Comprehensive and Integrated Urban Regeneration Projects' providing appropriate residential areas, community developments and active commercial zones as some of problem verifies its physically, economically and socially vulnerable sections of the society. Therefore, this research reveals current urban regeneration issues through considering the precedents set by the developed countries. Through the research, it is possible to draw a conclusion that urban regeneration projects require a formulation of planning policy, funding system, urban governance framework and strategic directions in a socioeconomic situation to enrich the life for us all in urban areas.


 1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2. 연구의 방법 및 분석틀
  1.3. 선행연구 분석
 2. 선진국의 사회․경제지표 비교
 3. 도시재생 정책 동향 분석
  3.1. 법제도 및 계획체제
  3.2. 관련제도 및 기구
  3.3. 재원조달 및 보조금 제도
  3.4. 추진 주체 및 협업 관계
  3.5. 소결
 4. 사회경제적 환경과 도시재생 정책 변화
  4.1. 해외 선진국의 사회경제적 환경과 정책 변화
  4.2. 사회경제적 환경과 정책 변화의 국내외 비교
 5. 결론


  • 이영은 Lee Young-Eun. 토지주택연구원 수석연구원
  • 유해연 Yoo Hae-Yeon. 숭실대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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