

지역재생을 위한 지역공동체 주도 지역발전전략의 규범적 모형 : SAGE 전략


A normative model of community-led local development strategies for local regeneration : SAGE strategies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The community is one of the key concepts recently rising in the field of local regeneration in Korea. It is also related to a big paradigm shift the Korean local development has experienced over the past decade. In the new paradigm, local communities play a key role as a main body leading the efforts and as an energy source powering development. This paper aims to examine the changed circumstances that require the paradigm shift in local regeneration policies, and to suggest a normative model of local development strategies for local regeneration. For these purposes, I first review the notion of local regeneration as a special form of local development, and review two streams of local development, exogenous local development and endogenous local development, in theoretical context to establish an ideal type of community-led local development. Next, I diachronically examine changes in materialistic conditions and circumstances that led to a paradigm shift in local development, including slowed-down migration, resurging community movements, economic stagnation, worsening national finances, and aging population. Lastly, based on the aforementioned review and analysis of theoretical contexts and structural changes, I derive a normative model of local development to pursue in the coming years. The model is named SAGE strategies as the acronym for Sustainability, Assets, Governance, and Entrepreneurship-based development strategies.


 1. 서론
 2. 지역재생과 지역발전에 관한 이론적 고찰
  2.1. 지역발전으로서의 지역재생
  2.2. 지역발전전략의 두 패러다임
  2.3. 지역공동체 주도의 지역발전의 이념형
 3. 우리나라 지역재생을 둘러싼 거시적 환경변화
  3.1. 인구 이동성의 둔화와 공동체 복원 노력
  3.2. 경제성장률의 저하와 국가재정의 악화
  3.3. 복지수요의 증대와 인구 고령화
  3.4. 지역 간 소득 격차의 확대
 4. 21세기 한국의 지역재생을 위한 지역발전전략: SAGE 전략
  4.1. 지속가능한 지역주민의 복리: Sustainable well-being
  4.2. 지역자산의 재형성 및 재발견: Assets
  4.3. 지역공동체 거버넌스의 형성: Governance
  4.4. 지역 내 기업가정신의 고취: Entrepreneurship
 5. 결론


  • 박인권 Park, In-Kwon. 본학회 정회원, 서울시립대학교 도시행정학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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