

산업단지 관리정책의 방향 전환을 위한 소고


A Study on the Policy Shift of the Industrial Estates Management in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Industrial location policy in South Korea is highly valued as one of the successful polices. The key driver of industrial location policy is industrial estates. Since Korea government started establishing industrial estates for the purpose of industrialization in 1960s, industrial estate has been playing a main role in invigorating the economy, and its role will keep expanding. However, it is still required to change existing management style, expand its support function, introduce its new roles, and finally to implement them in a realistic and feasible manner. In this paper, current trend of industrial estate was examined, and then an analysis of the operational problems on industrial estates policy and its management issues was conducted. Furthermore, new conceptual model on management of industrial estate were established with its improvement plans, based on the direction of industrial estate policy in Korea, the characteristics of organizations occupied in industrial estates, and case studies in other countries. Suggested policy alternatives for the policy shift and implementation plans are as follows: first, systematizing and unifying related policies, second, enlargement of the range of industrial estate management, including all of the industrial estates related industrial location, third, expanding management support, fourth, reorganizing industrial estates management system, fifth, improving effectiveness of management through competition and delegation to private sector, and sixth, connecting with spatial concepts and environments.


 1. 머리말
  1.1. 연구의 배경과 목적
  1.2. 선행연구 현황 및 본 연구의 차별성
 2. 산업단지 관리의 특성과 체계
  2.1. 산업단지의 개념과 특성
  2.2. 산업단지 관리의 성격과 체계
 3. 산업단지 관리의 문제점과 과제
  3.1. 관련 제도의 구조적 불합리
  3.2. 관리 부실 산업단지의 다수
  3.3. 관리 내용의 부실
  3.4. 관리 주체의 비효율적 선정과 지정
  3.5. 관리에 대한 지원 부실
 4. 외국의 산업입지 관리 제도의 특성과 시사점
  4.1. 외국 제도의 특성
  4.2. 외국 제도의 시사점
 5. 우리나라 산업단지 관리정책의 전환방향과 추진방안
  5.1. 산업입지정책의 여건 변화전망과 방향
  5.2. 산업단지 관리에 대한 새로운 개념 및 기본방향의 설정
  5.3. 산업단지 관리정책의 개편방안
 6. 맺는말


  • 박영철 Park, Young-Chul. 성결대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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