


디지털 다매체 시대의 문학 환경과 서사 변용 연구


A study on the literature environments and the narrative transfiguration of the age of Digital-Multimedia


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the information age and the age of visual media to make roots enrich the value of productive action utmost importance in the literature that is required. Appearance in literature truly honest revealing of human nature, so much is because the human genre. First, that literature has its own advantages as possible to salvage. Other hand, the utility of advanced media and information reasonably sufficient to effectively utilize in the literature to overcome its limitations should be And from the changing environment to survive is to be sought viable. This duty and mission is given to the author. Total international criticism recently attracting attention in the literature looking at Korea, modern materials and subjects are dealing with a new narrative structure works most of the experiment is attempted. That is a notable experiment in the literature as a show or open a new state, a rich artistic imagination, diversity and diversification of sanctions based on a pluralistic world, and writers to accommodate rapidly changing era of a new paradigm that recognizes and isolate the constantly Literature Pack up the flow of attempts to promote changes in the. Age is the rapidly changing and the world is changing day by day. Thus, the era of writers and literary novelty is always looking for depending on the situation should be For an exciting new creative techniques and should show a steady and expanding interest in literary and literature through experimental techniques should be seen by opening the new ground. Wealth of knowledge and experience, the true literary spirit, and awareness of issues through the transformation and expansion of laboratory techniques and a new paradigm of the artist to respond to these efforts to the pursuit of survival strategies, and literature to gain a competitive edge in the new era is also imperative.


1. 서론
 2. 새로운 매체 환경과 메커니즘의 변화
 3. 디지털 다매체 시대에서의 서사 변용 양상
  3.1 하이퍼미디어에 의한 서사 매체의 확장
  3.2 전자매체 환경과의 친연성과 대중적 서사물
  3.3 디지털 시대의 새로운 서사 장르
 4. 결론


  • 허만욱 Hur, Man-ook. 남서울대 교양과정부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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