


대학 글쓰기 심화과정에서 ‘인문 교양’ 중심의 ‘읽기-쓰기 연계과목’의 효과와 의의 - 이화여대 <명작명문의 읽기와 쓰기> 수업 사례를 중심으로 -


A study on the 'reading to writing subject' aim for cultural subject about liberal arts - Focused on the case of 'Reading Masterpiece and Writing' set up at Ewha Womens University -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at clarifying the effect and meaning of the reading to writing subject 'Reading Masterpieces and Writing' set up at Ewha Womens University. Generally the intensified writing subject in Korean University is set up the subject of 'Writing affiliated with major'. And the goal of 'Writing affiliated with major' subject is getting the form and norm of the academic writing professionally. In comparison, the purpose of the 'Reading Masterpieces and Writing' is deepening the culture of the students. 'Reading Masterpieces and Writing' has the student realize the way of thinking through the intensive reading course. This intensive reading course make the subject 'cultural subject' about liberal arts. Moreover this subject concentrates on practicing discussion paper and book essay. The course of these two kinds of writing have the students train suggestion for the text and the analysis of the text. Especially writing book essay can give the students the experience of introspection. To strengthen these writing course, it is most needed to attach between reading and writing, so 'reading to write' is the most important concept of this writing course.


1. 들어가며
 2. 대학 글쓰기의 ‘교양교육’으로의 선회와 독서교육의 강화
 3. ‘읽기-쓰기’ 연계과목으로서의 <명작명문>
  3.1 ‘인문적 교양과목’으로서의 성격 - 명작․고전 중심의 ‘집중적 읽기’
  3.2 글쓰기 심화과목으로서의 성격- 해석과 자기성찰의 글쓰기
  3.3 ‘읽기-쓰기’ 연계의 방식 - 읽기에 ‘기반한’ 쓰기
 4. 결론- ‘인문적교양’ 중심의‘읽기-쓰기연계과목’의 효과와 의의


  • 홍인숙 Hong, In-sook. 이화여대 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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