



Historic position of 「the House of Common Sense」―from the viewpoint of the theory of duty


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The House of Peers in Meiji Constitution was considered to make control to a political party into a role. For this reason, to the party cabinet, it was very hostile to the degree.However, since different character from equivalent authority was the feature, for the stable political power management, both harmony was required for the bicameral system under Meiji Constitution. The House of Peers reform was going to solve this problem by establishing supremacy of the House of Representatives. The point that give recognition to a role of the House of Peers has the characteristic of the reform theory of this time. However, as for the argument, a party cabinet was a premise. In other words, it was the logic not to let the House of Peers participate in politics. The House of Peers reform theory transferred a role of the House of Peers. However, the postwar new constitution gave powerful authority to the House of Representatives. Therefore, the role theory of the Upper House to control the reckless driving of the political party was reevaluated as an important problem. This had a big influence on House of Councilors system.




1. はじめに
 2. 貴族院の職分論とその展開
 3. 「両院縦断」と「憲政常道」
 4. 貴族院改革問題と上院観の転回
 5. 再度の転回と「良識の府」の誕生
 6. おわりに


  • 吉田武弘 立命館大学 文学研究科 博士後期課程


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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