

A Study on Corruption of Public Administration: Lessons from Germany


Hyung-Seo Han, Sang-Yup Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The concept of corruption is a term of dispute in the German language, blocking conceptual precision and engendering political controversy. Since the 1990s, there has been an ongoing discussion of and increased efforts against the corruption. Although Germany scores among the "cleanest" countries worldwide, recent corruption scandals revived the discussion about how to deal with corruption and, more importantly, how to prevent corruption from taking hold in politics and public administration. This paper deals with the corruption of public administration in Germany. This paper aims to obtain lessons of anti-corruption from Germany. According to FBI data analysis, the corruption has been shown as a problem in public sectors and by a method for personal benefits and deals, it is sometimes seen as a social phenomenon and as a problem with many occurrences in advanced countries as well as developing countries. It also can happen in politics, public administration and business of all countries. Naturally, corruption has been a negative impact not only on the national economy and political distrust but also distrust of civil society in democratic institutions. This article introduces the corruption in Germany and explains the instruments and mechanisms to prevent corruption. As for lessons and experiences from Germany, in this paper, the public sector transparency and citizen access to unlimited information and competition for anti-corruption as an important variable to be analyzed has been concluded. In addition privatization and change of people's values were considered important to reduce corruption of public sectors.


 I. Introduction
 II. Theoretical Debate and Definition of Corruption
  1. Fighting of Corruption and Discussion
  2. The Anti-Corruption Act in Germany
 III. Facts and Impact of Corruption in Germany
  1. Ranking of Corruption
 IV. Combating of Corruption and International Cooperation ofGovernment
 V. Corruption Prevention and Increasing Transparency
 VI. Conclusion


  • Hyung-Seo Han Professor, Jungwon University- Main Author
  • Sang-Yup Lee Professor, Hanseo University- Corresponding Author


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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