

벽돌조 건축문화재 외벽체의 훼손 현황 및 원인 조사 - 나주노안천주교회를 중심으로 -


Investigation of Defects and Damage on External Wall in Brick Structures of Modern Architectural Properties - Focused on「Naju Noahn Catholic Church」-

우남식, 김태영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to diagnose causes of damage and defects on external walls of brick structures, focused on「Naju Noahn Catholic Church」 of Modern Architectural Properties. The causes of crack and deflection are overloading, shortage strength of arch. Among those, main cause is cauesd by shortage strength of arch because center of arch is dislocated and skew back of arch is small angle. The causes of damage and elimination are weathering, plants of friction, freezing and thawing, durability decrement of material and attach defection. This defects and damage is caused by high-moisture that occurs in soil. The causes of discoloration are change of soil moisture and flimsy brickwork. These defects and damage are mainly occurred in coping of cornice, weathering of window sill.


 1. 서론
 2. 벽돌조 건축문화재 외벽체의 보수공사 및 현황
  2.1 외벽체 보수공사의 내용
  2.2 벽돌조 외벽체의 훼손 현황(15건)
  2.3 「나주노안천주교회」의 외벽체 훼손 현황
 3. 「나주노안천주교회」의 외벽체 훼손 원인
  3.1 개구부 부위의 균열
  3.2.벽돌재료의 파손 및 탈락
  3.3 벽돌재료의 변색 및 기타
 4. 결론


  • 우남식 Woo, Nam-Sic. 청주대학교 대학원 박사과정
  • 김태영 Kim, Tai-Young. 청주대학교 건축학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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