

재생을 통한 농어촌마을형(型) 공동생활 홈 조성 방향에 관한 연구 - 충북 괴산군 청천면 월문리 그룹 홈을 중심으로 -


Research on the Direction of Forming Rural and Fishing Village Type Community Living Home through Regeneration - With Focus on Community Living Home in Wolmunli, Cheongcheon- myeon, Goesan-gun, Chungbuk -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Problems of housing, healthcare, social exchanges, and lonely feelings of vulnerable social groups such as the elderly living alone in rural and fishing villages should be resolved by guaranteeing minimum residential rights and levels to restore the sense of self-esteem and social stability and to maintain the rural communities and these should be the object of social interest and support. The housing problems of rural and fishing villages should be resolved not through supply to meet demand but by beginning with providing the ways to attain mutual interaction through the program that recognizes housing as merit goods to maintain the regional communities This research examines more minutely the problems caused by poor housing conditions of rural and fishing villages and attempts to present rural and fishing village type community living home as an alternative through regeneration. The results of this research are as follows. First, the administrative support system should be built to support the community living home in its beginning, process, completion, and even post management. Second, education for reinforcing capabilities to help understand the community living home should continually conducted on the occupants, villagers, and related organizations. Third, in order to expand the community living home, research and development should be made so that the zero-energy house, the alternative energy utilizing house, etc. can be widely used. In building community living home for vulnerable social groups in rural and fishing villages, practical alternatives suitable to the regional realities should be presented and practiced so that the community living home can be built to the satisfaction of all the villagers and the occupants, and the improvement measures should be presented through constant interest and monitoring.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 내용
 2. 농어촌의 주거문제
  2.1 취약계층 주거의 대안
  2.2 독거노인 주거문제의 해결
  2.3 취약계층의 주거실태
 3. 재생을 통한 농어촌 마을형 공동생활 홈
  3.1 월문리 마을회관
  3.2 월문리 독거노인 실험주택
 4. 공동생활 홈에 대한 인식전환과 프로그램 생산
  4.1 단계별 추진내용
  4.2 공동생활 홈 운영 프로그램 생산
 5. 맺음말


  • 김승근 Kim, Seung-Keun. 정회원, 강동대학교 건축학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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