Lévinas’ ethical thought and the public-common happiness : concerned about the esprit between I and other
This article treats about eros which performs in relation to the other, poses the question of axiological communication . Which is an idea of other that is related to the essential idea of altruism that is inherent in humanity. The metaphysics of eros leads to reconstitution of humanity in the name of God, which is defined as the absence in the subject. The structure of the identity of the subjectivity that occurs from eros leads us outside the categories of classical logic. Compared to the idea of infinity eros in Lévinas is plainly shown in the experience of being and remains as to God in being separated. He suggests us a new paradigm that allows another interpretation of subjectivity. For him the desire for others leads to a metaphysics of the Other that gives rise to the identity of being, which suggests the descent of God. Metaphysical desire then occurs as absolutely other. This desire is a movement of identification that transcends the separation. Metaphysical desire works on by one-for-the-other in separated life.
2. 역동적 삶의 세계와 상생(相生)의 협력관계
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