

제1세션 기조강연 : 공공행복과 윤리

범부 김정설의 풍류정신에 나타난 통합론과 공공윤리


The theory of Integration and the Public-common ethics in the view of Beombu Kim, Jeong Seol’s Pungryu-spirit


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper I intend to inquire at first the limits and defects of the dichotomy, solipsism of the Western philosophy and criticize the instrumental rationalization and the law of the excluded middle of the Western philosophy and then to bring the Integration thoughts of Beombu Kim, Jeong Seol’s Pungryu-spirit to light. Beombu Kim, Jeong Seol found the Pungryu-spirit in the traditional Korean thoughts and rehabilitate the Pungryu-spirit. The Pungryu-spirit put into the core thoughts of 3 Eastern religions; Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and holistic thoughts(Ganzheitsgedanke), synchronicity, the respect for life, mutually constructive living, the harmony of cosmos(nature), the Golden rule etc. He prognosed the decline of the Western philosophy and the fall of the Western culture. He asserted we have to study the theory of Integration in the Pungryu-spirit in order to overcome the crisis of modern civilization. We can incorporate the Public common ethics in Beombu Kim, Jeong Seol’s Pungryu-spirit and then we would quest the public common happiness for all us in the earth from the Public common ethics.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 서양철학자들의 이원론적 사고방식의 문제점과 그 한계
  1. 사고방식에서 동방사상과 서양사상의 차이
   1) 자연에 대한 동방사상과 서양사상의 차이
   2) 언어사용에서 동서양의 차이
  2. 서양철학의 이분법적 사고의 문제점
   1) 유아론과 개인주의의 문제점
   2) 서양철학의 한계와 근본적인 문제점
 Ⅲ. 풍류정신과 통합적 사고
 Ⅳ. 공공윤리의 구현과 공공행복
 Ⅴ. 나가는 말


  • 진교훈 Chin, Kyo-Hun. 서울대학교 명예교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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