A Study on Securing the Rights to Education of Migrant Children
International norms and policies relating to the protection of the human rights of migrant children are exist, but in the case of migrant children do not receive that status to ensure many parts of basic human rights; the right to live with their parents, health care, education, social security and etc. Regarding this, ‘The National Human Rights Commission of the National Human Rights Action Plan (NAP) for the recommendation’ of the National Human Rights Commission recommended to ensure the right to health, right to education, culture, etc. for the children of migrant workers to guarantee that aims, but now no right besides education is not getting enough attention and ensure that Recommendation situation. Contents in this article are grasping the reality of the education of migrant children and finding what the limits of national laws and policies in light of international regulations and policy. Furthermore, policy challenges to support education of the migrant children focused on case study are examined. International norms and policies relating to the protection of the human rights of migrant children are exist, but in the case of migrant children do not receive that status to ensure many parts of basic human rights; the right to live with their parents, health care, education, social security and etc. Regarding this, ‘The National Human Rights Commission of the National Human Rights Action Plan (NAP) for the recommendation’ of the National Human Rights Commission recommended to ensure the right to health, right to education, culture, etc. for the children of migrant workers to guarantee that aims, but now no right besides education is not getting enough attention and ensure that Recommendation situation. Contents in this article are grasping the reality of the education of migrant children and finding what the limits of national laws and policies in light of international regulations and policy. Furthermore, policy challenges to support education of the migrant children focused on case study are examined.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 연구내용
3. 연구방법
Ⅱ. 이주아동의 개념 및 교육권
1. 이주아동의 개념
2. 이주아동의 교육권
Ⅲ. 교육권관련 국내외 법제를 통해본 문제점
1. 교육권 관련 국제 인권규범
2. 교육권 관련 국내 법제 및 정책
Ⅳ. 사례 조사를 통한 교육권 실태와 문제점
1. 이주배경과 경로
2. 교육 시 어려움
3. 중도입국청소년의 어려움
4.초기적응을 위한 지원의 필요성: 정규과정에 통합되기 위한 과정에서의 디딤돌 스쿨
5. 적응스트레스와 학업문제
6. 이주아동 대상의 외국인 특별학급과 한국어교재
7. 진로와 대인관계
8. 이주아동에 대한 교과부의 포괄적 지원정책이 필요하다.
Ⅴ. 결론: 이주아동의 교육권 보장을 위한 정책과제