


한국 노인의 일탈행동 형성과정과 여가활동을 통한 회복가능성 탐색


A Study on the Formation Process of Deviant Behavior of Elderly People in Korea and the Exploration of the Chances of Recovery through Regular Leisure Activities

안찬우, 백정민, 이은석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to analyze the formation process of deviant behavior of elderly people in Korea and present supporting data for the crime prevention and the enhancement of the quality of life of the elderly people by exploring the chances of recovery through regular leisure activities. To achieve this research purpose, elderly people aged over 65 in Incheon City were selected as the subjects of this research by using purposeful sampling. First, it was found that the elderly people in the deviant behavior formation period felt the sense of alienation from the retirement of social activities, or the sense of loneliness and isolation after the death of spouse or moving out of their children, and the sense of relative deprivation in the loneliness and in their appearance different from the past, and they suffered from much stress through conflicts between family members and the members of society amid the isolation and severance. However, it was found that the degree of satisfaction with life, the sense of happiness and confidence were enhanced through regular leisure activities. Second, it was found that the elderly people in the deviant behavior conflict period felt the sense of helplessness amid death of people around them and uneasiness about their own future, and justified the social deviant behavior taking advantage of social position of elderly people and expressed their anger at society. However, it was found that through participation in regular leisure activities, the sense of helplessness and the dissatisfaction with society were reduced and the positive thinking and the degree of satisfaction with life were enhanced. Third, it was found that the elderly people in the deviant behavior formation period committed deviant behavior such as crimes due to isolation from society, the sense of economic deprivation and psychological pressures after retirement. However, it was found that as they interacted with society members with the same interests through participation in regular leisure activities, they showed resocialization through which they resolved psychological uneasiness.


 연구 방법
  1. 연구 참여자
  2. 자료수집
  3. 자료처리 및 분석
  1. 늙으면 왕따 - 일탈원인 생성기
  2. 노년기의 질풍노도 - 일탈원인 갈등기
  3. 대충 이렇게 살다가 죽으면 되지 - 일탈행동형성기


  • 안찬우 Ahn, Chan-Woo. 한국체육대학교
  • 백정민 Baek, Jung-Min. 한국체육대학교
  • 이은석 Yi, Eun-Surk. 가천대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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