An Analysis of the emergency power equipment of the communication facility in city for maintaining function of building
Today, as our industries and businesses is almost dependent on electric apparatus or on-line system, management system of electric facilities is necessary to be considered as the part of the maintenance of the building. Also, facilities of power supplies can't always provide stable power service because of various situations of blackout caused by natural disaster, construction of extension building or remodeling building. So a study of emergency power system is required. Therefore, we will research the communication facility so that we are going to study the emergency power equipment of Buildings, and analyze the importance of emergency power equipment depends.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
2. 통신시설 건축물 및 비상설비의 특성
2.1 비상시의 유형 분류 및 기능 유지
2.2 비상시 통신시설 건축물의 특성 및 범위
3. 통신시설 건축물의 에너지 소비 및 비상/예비전원형황 조사
3.1 조사대상 건축물의 개요
3.2 전력 소비 현황 조사
3.3 비상설비 종류 및 용량 조사
4. 통신시설 건축물의 비상시 기능유지 방안
4.1 비상용 발전설비의 문제점 분석
4.2 비상시 기능유지 방안
5. 결론