A Study on Economic Evaluation System for Deteriorated Military Facilities
When a subordinate troop calls for remodeling or reconstruction of a deteriorated facility, it is difficult to ensure the consistency and objectivity in the process of decision making for the alternatives due to the absence of systematic and quantitative rating methodology. The contributions of this study are as follows: 1) Literature review found out a representative economic evaluation model focused on military facilities (Lee et al. 2002), and comparative analysis with a similar study (Son et al. 2005) identified the strength and weakness. 2) it developed a user friendly interfaces (UIs) which consist of four functional modules by considering the usability and accessibility of the system user.
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 노후 군시설 경제성 평가 시스템
3. 군시설 경제성 분석 시스템
4. 결론