P.O.E. on the space design type of brand coffee shop
Each brand coffee shops have the same space design. Four brand coffee shops what have higher proportion of the amount of sales and awareness were chosen in this study. The study was conducted by limiting in the region of Cheongju. Each element of space design was classified in pursuance of the regular standard and put user research into practice. First user research was made investigation into general opinion of brand coffee shops, and second user research was made a thorough investigation into preferred space design of each brand. Space design’s elements of brand coffee shop is proposed by result of two research.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구 범위 및 과정
2. 이론적고찰
2.1 연구대상
2.2 1차 설문조사
2.3 2차 설문 조사
4. 결론