Proposal for the Small-Size household analysis that the population and present condition household - Daegu city province as the center -
The modern people's life-style in Korea have been experienced enormously due to the skyrocketed economic development since 1960s. Eventually, this is changing "Nuclear-Family" to "Small-Family", it need Small- Sized house than wide-space like biggest Apartment. because of the changing of Dwelling-System to One ~ Two member of family. Therefore, this research investigate population and residence of today, analyze population and household variation progress and use it into the basic information to suggest multi-household housing that will be needed.
1. 서론
1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2. 연구방법 및 범위
2. 인구 및 주택현황
2.1. 인구 현황
2.2. 가구 현황
2.3. 주택 현황
3. 향후 주거의 계획
3.1. 인구증감 추이
3.2. 가구증감 추이
3.3. 주택 당 가구원수 현황 추이
3.4. 소결
4. 결론