A Study on a Sight value analysis of Gotjawal
The purpose of this study is to improve method of a sight value analysis and revaluate sight value of Gotjawal. The Gotjawal forest is formed on the rocky terrain. As it was difficult to develop these areas for agriculture, the forest remained untouched even in the twentieth century. That’s why Gotjawal forest could maintain its original ecosystem generally unaffected by human activity. But a sight value garde of Gotjaal is evaluated very lowly and many areas of Gotjawal are demolished by purposes of construction like hotel, resorts, golf-course and so on. In this study, a sight value garde(6 steps level) is proposed by using of the forest information and the environment information as analysis data.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
2. 연구방법
3. 곶자왈의 현황분석
3.1 곶자왈분포 현황
3.2 곶자왈지역의 경관등급 현황
4. 곶자왈지역의 경관가치 재평가
4.1 곶자왈지역의 경관가치 재평가를 위한 설정기준
4.2 곶자왈내 경관가치분석비교(1단계)
5.생태자연도를 이용한 경관가치분석 비교(2단계)
6. 결론