A Study on the Problems of Outdoor Space in Hillside Residential Area for Aging-Friendly City
This study is to consider the problems of outdoor space in hillside residential area from aging-friendly point of view. By changing an existing welfare paradigm for the aged, which regards the old as a problematic group and they are segregated(aging-in-place), aging-friendly city is based on the concept of ‘aging-in-community’, ‘livable community for age’, and ‘community for lifetime’. In this respect, outdoor space in residential area has importance as neighborhood, in case of hillside residential area it needs space regeneration for the aged because of poor surrounding and difficulty in walking. Therefore this study will be aware of the problems of outdoor space in hillside residential area for making aging-friendly city.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 고령친화도시와 옥외공간
2.1 고령친화도시의 개념
2.2 고령친화도시의 옥외공간
2.3 근린생활권 옥외공간의 개념과 범위
3. 경사주거지 옥외공간의 문제점
3.1 지형 및 주거환경의 문제
3.2. 노인의 보행제한과 근린범위 축소
3.3. 삶의 질 저하 및 사회적 문제
3.4. 제도적 문제
4. 결론