Artificial cultivation of Lyopyllun decastes is costly because the high expense is required for soil covering and bark. Therefore, most farmers of Lyopyllun decastes have recognized it is difficult to cultivate it. The purpose of this study is to reduce the cost of cultivation of Lyopyllun decastes by applying new cultivation method and introducing mutation of fungi. In this study, a new method of practical artificial cultivation was developed through many experiments using fermented pine sawdust and wheat bran. In conclusion, the method of practical artificial cultivation of Lyopyllun decaste is simple and cost efficient because neither soil covering nor bark is required.
재료 및 방법
균주 및 접종원
원형질체 제작 및 재분화
변이체 유도방법
변이체 DNA 분석
pH별 균사성장
원재료 수종 선정실험
결과 및 고찰
pH별 균사성장
변이체 선발 및 PCR 검정
감사의 글