

포스터발표 - Poster sessionⅢ; 생태, 기능성, 이용

Anti-diabetic effect of Ganoderma lucidum assoiated with the activation of AMPK pathway




The effects of Ganoderma lucidum on glucose uptake was studied in L6 rat skeletal muscle cells. Glucose uptake in muscle cell was increased about 6-fold compared to control by mushroom extract treatment. This increasing effect to the glucose uptake was observed in muscle cells cultured with or without insulin. The levels of phosphor-acetyl CoA carboxylase were upregulated by G. lucidum extract treatment in insulinstimulated and basal culture conditions. However, G. lucidum extract did not affect protein kinaseB/Akt(Akt) level. Furthermore, the expression of phosphor-AMPactivated protein kinase(AMPK) was also up-regulated. AMPK is another regulatory protein in the glucose uptake pathway and energy metabolism. Thus, the treatment of G. lucidum extract in skeletal muscle cells increased the phosphorylation levels of AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase, showing that the increase of glucose uptake by G. lucidum extract might be mediated via the activation of AMPK signaling pathway


  • Hye Ran Park Department of Applied Biochemistry, College of Biomedical & Health Science, Konkuk University
  • Eun-Suk Son Department of Applied Biochemistry, College of Biomedical & Health Science, Konkuk University
  • Se-Ra Kim Department of Applied Biochemistry, College of Biomedical & Health Science, Konkuk University
  • Yeun-Song Kim Department of Applied Biochemistry, College of Biomedical & Health Science, Konkuk University
  • Chang Soo Lee Department of Applied Biochemistry, College of Biomedical & Health Science, Konkuk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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