

포스터 발표 - Ⅲ. 기타

Development of oak-mushroom steak sauce using Jangheung oak-mushroom




The change on quality was measured to development functional steak sauce using superior oak-mushrooms with unique scent and functionality. Measure for Chromaticity according to method of addition indicated that L value of Experimental treatmentⅠ(oak-mushroom powder 1%, chopping 3%) was lower than Control and Experimental treatmentⅡ(Concentrated liquid 0.5%, chopping 3%). There was no significant difference between Control and two Experimental treatments in the result of pH measure. The total acidity showed that there was no significant difference between Experimental treatmentⅠ(1.544%) and Experimental treatmentⅡ (1.538%), but Experimental treatmentⅠand Ⅱ were lower than Control. The quantitative analysis of Chlorine showed that there was no significant difference among Experimental treatmentⅠ(4.19W/V%), Experimental treatmentⅡ(4.32W/V%) and Control(4.23W/V%). The viscosity on Experimental treatmentⅠand Ⅱ were more increased than Control. Microorganism was not discovered in the result of microorganism experiment of oakmushroom sauce. Experimental treatmentⅠwas higher preference than Experimental treatment Ⅱ.


  • Kyung-Je Kim Jangheunggun Mushroom Research Institute, Jangheung 529-851, Korea
  • Kwang-Sang Kim Jangheunggun Mushroom Research Institute, Jangheung 529-851, Korea
  • Seung-Eon Ban Jangheunggun Mushroom Research Institute, Jangheung 529-851, Korea
  • Hyun-Suk Kim Jangheunggun Mushroom Research Institute, Jangheung 529-851, Korea
  • Seong-Woo Jin Jangheunggun Mushroom Research Institute, Jangheung 529-851, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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