

Directions for the Future of Asian Musicology in the 21st Century


KWON Oh-Sung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The 21th Century demands that we view traditional culture from a different perspective to place it in a new context of time. Globalization is a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated into a common standard through a global network of communication. The great significance of traditional culture is apparent not only when it responds to the waves of globalization, under the slogan of ‘What is most unique is most international’. But also it has its meaning when it is considered from a different perspective; cultural industry. It is a worldwide trend for human brain researchers to study brain mechanism of treating memories of the past and the present in one's life in order to develop prenatal education music and treatment of memory diseases such as Alzheimer's and depression. I truly believe that East Asian music can take part in the development process. It is my genuine wish that there will be earnest and open academic discussion among the participants of APSE I hope such discussion will naturally link to a need for developing topics for joint study.


 Kwon Ohsung Prof. Dr.


  • KWON Oh-Sung Ph.D. Literature. Academy of Korean Studies, Department of History.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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