

포스터발표 - II. 재배 및 이용, 산물 개발 등

Comparison in characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus fruit body according to ventilation conditions




This study was carried out to set up ventilation coefficient for high quality fruit body. We made the ventilation apparatus for ventilation characteristics of oyster mushroom. The pattern of growth of oyster mushroom for 4 stage, 1stage of the period of primordial induction and 3 stage of the period of fruit body formation, was investigated. That was favorable configuration of the fruit body at the carbon dioxide concentration under 1,500ppm. The higher was ventilation coefficient, the more carbon dioxide injury generated, and the ventilation coefficient of the late growth was low. In the case of Chunchu 2-ho, those quality were high when ventilation coefficient as the lapse of growth stage set up 8, 6, 4, 4, and Suhan 2-ho was 6, 6, 4, 2. Base on these results, if the optimum ventilation coefficient set up, the cultivator will cultivate good production.


  • Jang Myoung-Jun Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi Province Agricultural Research and Extension Services, 464-870, Korea
  • Jang Hyoung-Guen Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi Province Agricultural Research and Extension Services, 464-870, Korea
  • Ha Tae-Moon Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi Province Agricultural Research and Extension Services, 464-870, Korea
  • Ju Young-Cheol Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi Province Agricultural Research and Extension Services, 464-870, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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