3The goal of this study was to develop high value mushroom foods possessing functionality.
The effect of the Pholiota adiposa on the alcohol fermentation and its antihypertensive angiotensin I-converting(ACE) inhibitory activity of Korean traditional rice wine, Yakju was investigated. The ACE inhibitory activity of traditional rice wine was increased about 8% by the addition of 0.1% of the edible mushroom Pholiota adiposa ASI 24012 fruiting bodies into the mash containing 1% Lycii fructus, cooked rice, koji and antihypertensive S. cerevisiae and its Pholiota adiposa PAD-022 which showed anticholesteromia HMG-CoA reductase inhibitory activity. Its quality characteristics and stability were investigated during the storage of room temperature and 40℃ for 3 months. It showed very high acceptability and also was very stable at 40℃ for 3 months[This study was supported by a grant from ARPC, 2005-2007].