

큰느타리버섯 폐배지 이용 배지 제조 및 적정 첨가비율


The production of media and optimal additive rate using the cultivation media wastes of Pleurotus eryngii

김민근, 류재산, 이영한, 박정식, 정지인, 권진혁, 노치웅, 윤한대

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After bottle culture of Pleurotus eryngii, media were taken out the bottle and normally utilized compost. However, nutritional elements were remained in the waste media. This study was carried out to investigate the reusable possibility and the optimal additive rate of waste media in an artificial cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii. The pH had tendency to decrease as the waste media was added from 6.0 to 4.8. Based on the additive rate of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%, each treatment waste media was added to new media for culturing Pleurotus eryngii. Among various treatments, the mycelial growth and primordia formation of Pleurotus eryngii were more favorable in the addition of 10-30% waste median than in the addition of 40 and 50%. The yield of its fruiting body was increased slightly in the treatment of 10-30% waste media.


 재료 및 방법
  공시균주 및 접종원
  배지제조 및 접종
  배지성분 분석
  배양특성 및 생육특성 조사
 결과 및 고찰
  폐배지 첨가에 다른 배지조합별 성분분석
  페배지 추출물에 대한 버섯 균사생장 저해 여부 시험
  폐배지 첨가에 의해 제조된 배지의 배양특성
  폐배지 첨가에 의해 제조된 배지의 버섯발이 특성
  폐배지 첨가에 의해 제조된 배지의 생육 특성
 감사의 글


  • 김민근 Min-Keun Kim. 경상남도 농업기술 식물환경연구과
  • 류재산 Jae-San Ryu. 경상남도 농업기술 식물환경연구과
  • 이영한 Young-Han Lee. 경상남도 농업기술 식물환경연구과
  • 박정식 Jeong-Sik Park. 농업과학기술 응용미생물과
  • 정지인 Ji-In Jung. 진주산업대학교 작물생명과학과
  • 권진혁 Jin-Hyeuk Kwon. 경상남도 농업기술 식물환경연구과
  • 노치웅 Chi-Wong Rho. 경상남도 농업기술 식물환경연구과
  • 윤한대 Han-Dae Yun. 경상대학교 응용환경생명화학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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