All intra-specific hybrids among ASI 2172 x 2104, 2172 x 2307, 2186 x 2172 and 2186 x 2307 in P. salmoneostramineus produced pink fruiting bodies as like wild parental types. However, three hybrids of them between ASI 2186 and 2104 were white fruiting bodies. A new commercial strain " Noeul " of Pink Oyster mushroom was developed by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis. It was improved with hybridization between monokaryotic strain derived from ASI 2172 and ASI 2104. The optimum temperature of mycelial growth and fruiting body development were 25∼30℃ and 19∼24℃, respectively. The pileus was bright reddish pink. Commercial strain "Noeul" was as prolific as the more commonly cultivated Pleurotus ostreatus in the conversion of substrate mass to mushrooms using bottle cultivation. Mushroom cultivator can save money for mushroom growing on summer in Korea. Mushrooms should be picked when moderately young, and handled carefully so as to not bruise the brilliantly colored gills. This pink color makes marketing an interesting challenge depending upon the market niche.
재료 및 방법
균주 및 배양
단포자 분리 및 교배형 검정
계통간 교잡 및 교잡체 (hybrid) 특성 검정
결과 및 고찰
계통간 교잡 및 자실체 특성
신품종 "노을"의 주요 특성