

소맥분과 물엿을 첨가한 침엽수 톱밥배지에서의 꽃송이버섯 생산


Cultivation of cauliflower mushroom (Sparassis crispa) by use of coniferous sawdust-based media with wheat flour and molasses

오득실, 박현, 박화식, 김명석, 채정기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Cauliflower mushroom(Sparassis crispa) contains much amount of β-glucan, which make lots of farmer want to cultivate the mushroom. Since a practical cultivation method is not provided yet, the mushroom is considered as a difficult crop to deal with. In this study, we tried to develope a simple method to cultivate the mushroom by use of coniferous sawdust-based medium with wheat flour and molasses. There was no significant differences between the sawdust spawn and the liquid spawn for the mycelial growth of the mushroom. The cold shock in 4℃ for a day was thought to be the best way to seduce primordium formation. The sawdust medium of Pseudotsuga menziesii mixed with wheat flour, corn chip, cottonseed meal and 10% molasses was showed the best yield with 41% followed by that of Larix leptolepis mixed with the same additives with 37% of yield. There was good relations between the fruit-body production and the weight loss of the sawdust substrate.


 재료 및 방법
  배지 준비
  멸균 및 접종
  배양 및 자실체 발생
  자실체 수확
 결과 및 고찰
  액체 및 톱밥 접종원에서 균사생장
  저온충격이 자실체 형성에 주는 영향
  자실체 수확량 조사
  배지 중량감소율 조사


  • 오득실 Deuk-Sil Oh. 전라남도산림환경연구소
  • 박현 Hyun Park. 국립산림과학원
  • 박화식 Hwa-Sik Park. 전라남도산림환경연구소
  • 김명석 Myong-Seok Kim. 전라남도산림환경연구소
  • 채정기 Jung-Ki Chai. 전남대학교 산림자원학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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