

버섯의 품종 육성과 종균 산업의 동향


Trends of commercial strain development and spawn industry in mushrooms

유영복, 공원식, 장갑열, 오세종, 정종천, 전창성

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to UPOV (International Union for Protection of New Varieties of Plants), mushroom spawn market have to be opened by the year 2009. Number of commercial strains distributed by the year 2005 were 179 of 24 species of edible and medicinal mushrooms. Only nine strains of oyster mushrooms were registered as protected variety, which is not compatible with those recorded in other advanced countries. Meaning of spawn in broad sense contains commercial strains. Development of commercial strains faces two main problems in Korea : One is the complicated genetic patterns and sexuality of mushroom species, and the other is expensive experimental equipments and fruiting body growing houses. Resolution of these problems leads to development of mushroom strains. This could be achieved as follows; genetic resources collection and assessment, molecular characterization of useful genetic characters, development of new commercial strains by hybridization using typical genetic resources, strengthening of breeding research using "Mushroom Breeding Group", management of spawn research company by consortium, foundation of mushroom general industry, promotion of consumption, and upgrade of competition ability for other countries. These points are under discussion.


 1. 서언
 2. 품종
  1) 품종의 정의
  2) 신품종 등록을 위한 품종의 구비조건
  3) 신품종 심사를 위한 버섯의 특정조사 요령
  4) 품종등록을 위한 보급 관련법규
  5) 일본의 품종전쟁 사례
  6) 우리나라의 품종보급 현황
  7) 외국의 품종보호등록 현황
 3. 재배버섯 종류 중 학명이 최근 변경된 사례 (수정 Buchanan, 1993)
  1) 양송이
  2) 사철느타리
  3) 노랑느타리
  4) 표고
  5) 느티만가닥버섯
  6) 신령버섯
 4. 종균
  1) 종균의 종류
  2) 종균의 저장
  3) 우량종균 선별
  4) 종균산업의 현황과 공급체계
 5. 품종(종균) 개발의 문제점
  1) 복잡하고 어려운 주요 버섯의 성 양식
  2) 특수적인 고가의 특수 시설
 6. 품종(종균) 개발의 발전 방향
  1) 유전자원의 수집, 보존, 평가가 필요하다
  2) 유전체 분석과 유용 형질에 대한 분자생물학적 해석이 필요하다
  3) 한국 고유의 품종육성으로 품종보호등록 되어야 한다
  4) 별도지원의 가칭 "산학연 품종개발연구단"이 필요하다
  5) 종균배양소 합병 또는 컨소시엄을 통한 종균연구소 설립 운영이 필요하다
  6) 궁극적으로 버섯 종합상사의 출현이 요구되고 있다
  7) 소비촉진과 국제경쟁력 향상이 필요하다
 7. 결론


  • 유영복 Young-Bok Yoo. 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 응용미생물과
  • 공원식 Won-Sik Kong. 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 응용미생물과
  • 장갑열 Kab-Yeul Jang. 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 응용미생물과
  • 오세종 Se-Jong Oh. 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 응용미생물과
  • 정종천 Jong-Chun Cheong. 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 응용미생물과
  • 전창성 Chang-Sung Jhune. 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 응용미생물과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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