The mushroom production is rapidly growing worldwide and mushroom present a great potential in agricultural promotion in Korea. Many researches have been done on the cultivation, disease control and breeding of mushrooms over last 20 years. The researches, on the other hand, on the utilization and processing of mushrooms and comparatively poor. A survey on consumer behavior of Korean, Chinese and Japanese consumers on mushrooms procurement and consumption was carried out. The main purchasing place for mushrooms by Korean and Japanese consumers was mart while the conventional market was the main purchasing place for Chinese consumers. Chinese and Japanese consumers had better recognition on processed mushroom products compared to Korean consumers. Chinese and Japanese consumers bought pickled mushrooms while Korean consumers were experienced in tea products made of mushrooms. The most popular method for cooking mushrooms by all the three country's consumers is saute.
연구내용 및 방법
조사대상 및 기간
조사내용 및 방법
자료의 분석
결과 및 고찰
조사대상자의 일반 사항
버섯의 소비형태
버섯가공품에 대한 인식
느타리버섯의 이용실태
큰느타리버섯의 이용실태
표고버섯의 이용실태
감사의 글