


Development of a Novel Validation Method with High Sensitivity and Multiplexity based on DNA-tagged antibodies for Cancer Biomarker Discovery




The development of cancer biomarker is of a great promise to conquer cancer since it leads to an early detection and provide an opportunity for better cancer treatment. Validation is a time-consuming step for biomarker developments requiring investigation of biomarker candidates using thousands or more of biosamples, which is why a sensitive, multiplexing validation method is necessary. To address this challenge, we are developing as antibody-based validation method, in which antibody with oxidized N-glycans was covalently linked to an identifiable DNA tag for use of the template in the transcription by T7 polymerase. The transcripts will be quantified and used for an indicator of the amounts of the antigen bound to the DNA-tagged antibody. This strategy will be multiplexed for an establishment of a novel validation method.


  • JuHee Lee Cancer Biomarkers Development Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience&Biotechnology (KRIBB)
  • Yong-Sam Kim Cancer Biomarkers Development Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience&Biotechnology (KRIBB)
  • Jeong-Heon Ko Cancer Biomarkers Development Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience&Biotechnology (KRIBB)


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