


Sp1 mediated regulation for target protein recognition of ncOGT



cDNAs encoding three isoforms of OGT were expressed in Escherichia coli and the co-expression system of OGT with target substrates was established in vivo. No endogenous bacterial proteins were significantly O-GlcNAcylated by any type of OGT isoforms while the co-expressed target proteins were strongly and differentially O-GlcNAcylated depending on OGT isoforms. We found that sOGT was auto-O-GlcNAcylated whereas ncOGT and mOGT were not. Under these conditions, more importantly, sp1 can interact with ncOGT by which recognition of target protein byOGT is newly formulated. These results strongly suggest that sp1 may modulate OGT activity of target recognition.


  • R.-H Ryu Ajou University, Department of Life Science, Laboratory of Functional Glycomics
  • I.-S, Sin Ajou University, Department of Life Science, Laboratory of Functional Glycomics
  • S.-I. Do Ajou University, Department of Life Science, Laboratory of Functional Glycomics


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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