


다자이 오사무의 『오상(おさん)』 고찰


<太宰治の『おさん』 考察>


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article diagnose the life of a woman who is living as a wife and mother in the system and structure called ‘family,' and studies the aspects that destroys the everyday life. By following the causes of communication gap through narrator awareness, it is to study what is the revolution and everyday life the writer is aware of. Under the patriarchy, love limits the woman's ideal life and freedom, then makes her transfer to the man's thoughts and life. That is why the collapse of the family from the affair of the husband becomes the aspect that brings the crisis of existence to the woman. She realize she cannot find her existence from her husband anymore so tries a transfiguration. In the novel, the scene of the wife recalling the past often appears. This shows the will of the author to overcome the present through past. For the method, she uses 'female monologue style.' This is the exploration of 'I' as a principle, as well as the description way considering the center and surrounding of existence. Her own method to improve the relationship and overcome the present is revealed like that. In this novel, there was the common item called 'revolution' between the couple, but it ended without bridging the gap and solving the conflict. The husband could not get out of the established moral principles and isolated himself in the limit. After his death, she starts to assert the independent power hidden in devoted life by criticizing him or protesting to the society. This transfiguration of the wife is embodied as one woman's identity research.




 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. ‘가정’의 일상성 파괴 양상
 Ⅲ. ‘여성독백체’의 서술 전략
 Ⅳ. 혁명 윤리의 허구성과 일상적 삶 인식
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 신현선 전북대학교 강사, 일본근현대문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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