

경찰공무원 부패방지를 위한 청렴성 제고방안


Ways of Uplifting Integrity to prevent Police Corruption


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to find how to uplift integrity to prevent police corruption for the police organization and the policemen. The integrity is not only the opposite meaning from the corruption but also the quality to resist from the wrong doings, that is the strong norm for the actions of the policemen. Because the corruption of the police is yielding to many temptations in the daily operations, the police should be taught the moral and ethical strengths in order to overcome the such temptations. In accordance, this study tries to find out the definition of integrity, how the police corruption is spreading in the organization, the control of corruption from the police organization and the causes of police corruption from the three perspectives such as personal, organizational and institutional, cultural factors. Bearing in mind the above mentioned factors, this study suggests the ways to uplift integrity in the police with the study of current cases. In order to uplift integrity of police from the personal factors the ethical policemen and the ethical leadership are necessary. The policemen should act in consistence with the words and deeds, service, honesty, trust from the community and the public. To prevail the integrity in the police organization, the policemen in the organization should be ethical and moral in their activities and exercise the ethical leadership to the community and the public. The ethical leadership embraces the changes with newly visions and make them motivated. In order to uplift integrity of police from the organizational and institutional factors, integrity management and whistle-blowing are necessary. For the integrity management, it is necessary to provide clear expectations for the employees with regard to responsible choice, for the manages to do in the first place, discussions between the seniors and juniors for the failures and the successes, disciplines to the employees. To execute the integrity management, training programs, group assessment sessions, leadership training and video training are recommended. In case of the whistle-blowing, the duty of the whistle-blowing should be assigned to all the police persons concerned and the providing sufficient benefits by counsel, the preferential treatment on human management, the support of court for execution of such a policy and the citizens' participation in the formation of the whistle-blowing policy should be established. In order to uplift integrity from the cultural factors, exclusion of noble cause and cultivation of ethical and moral responsibilities are necessary. The noble cause is that the policemen is bending the right law because they are too inclined to the results-oriented rather than the means-oriented, which is related to the police corruption. Accordingly, in order to restraint the noble cause, the right choice on the principle of rationality for behavior, termination of rationalization for behavior and wrong sub-cultures, introduction of the early warning system for the wrong-doing, and the ability of the decision making to ethical dilemmas should be strengthened. In order to reinforce ethical and moral responsibilities, the recruitment of police person on the basis of morality and ethics, how to overcome the ethical dilemmas on the job training, case studies for the deviations and audio and video education should be expanded instead of the ways of traditional education. And reinforcement of the life time education connecting the police education institutions and the police organization and the education and training for the integrity for policemen should be strengthened.


이 연구는 경찰공무원 및 경찰조직의 부패방지를 위해 청렴성을 제고하는 방안 을 수립하는 것이 목표이다. 경찰부패는 경찰의 권한과 직업적 특권의 남용에 의하 여 각종 유혹에 굴복하는 것이므로, 무엇보다 청렴성의 제고가 필요하다. 청렴은 부패를 방지하고 도덕적 규범에 일치하여 행동하는 품질이기 때문에 경찰공무원 및 경찰조직이 부패에 저항할 수 있게 하는 강력한 행동규범이 된다. 따라서 이 논문은 경찰부패 방지를 위하여 청렴성의 개념정립, 경찰부패의 현황과 경찰의 자 기 통제, 부패의 요인별 사례를 검토한 후 경찰공무원의 개인적 요인, 제도적 요인 그리고 환경적 요인에서 경찰 청렴성 제고 방안을 제시한다. 경찰공무원의 개인적 요인에서 청렴성을 유지하기 위해서는 윤리적인 경찰공무 원상의 정립 및 윤리적 리더십의 확립이 요구된다. 경찰의 제도적 요인에서 청렴성 달성을 위해서는 경찰조직에서 청렴관리의 실천 그리고 내부고발제도의 실질적 운 영이 필요하다. 경찰 환경적 요인에서는 고결한 명분의식의 배제 그리고 윤리적 책 임의식의 함양이 필요하다. 고결한 명분의 부패를 해소하기 위해서는 합리성의 원 칙에 따른 선택, 행위합리화와 잘못된 부문화의 배제, 조기경보제도 운영 그리고 윤리적 딜레마 해결을 위한 합리적 의사결정력의 제고가 요구된다. 윤리적 책임의식의 함양을 위해서는 인성과 도덕성 위주의 채용, 교육ㆍ훈련에서 강의식보다 역할극의 활용과 윤리적 딜레마에 대한 가상훈련, 일탈사례 중심과 시 청각 교육의 확대, 경찰현장과 학교의 지속적 연계를 통한 평생교육체계의 확립 그 리고 청렴성 제고를 위한 교육의 확대가 필요하다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 개념의 정의 및 선행연구 검토
 Ⅲ. 경찰부패 현황 및 사례분석
 Ⅳ. 경찰 청렴성 제고방안
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 이병종 Lee, Byung-Jong. 순천향대학교 경찰행정학과 강사, 경찰학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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