


고온 발열체에 의한 유증기 폭발 위험성 연구


The Research of the Fuel Vapor Explosion Risk to Hot Surface

홍이표, 박정훈, 엄영섭, 박광용, 최정열, 박순성

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this Research, the real scale model (Each diameter 50cm, 100cm, vertical size 65cm) was constructed in order to determine the oil steam explosion hazard due to the high temperature heating element. Steam generated from the diesel fuel ignition characteristics for high temperature heating element, experiments were conducted 142 times. Thermocouple to used the research was measured by “k-type.” “50cm set” of experimental results at the time of explosion, it took 82.8 seconds The temperature of the heating element was 334.8℃. the other “100cm set” of explosion Time spent is 108 second. Temperature was 620℃. Diesel heater, rods and the spacing of the explosion nears, Was started at a lower temperature. If you increase the amount of oil by the explosion occurred when the pressure wave occurs while the oil steam is increased on diesel Thus give rise to a large explosion. Higher the temperature of the higher upper rather than the higher lower diesel is explosion, it amount in 0.07g between 0.00045g The vapor arising from the experiments set was 10.8 (kg/m3). Experiments in the pressure due to temperature changes As the room temperature rises, the increased internal air pressure. This occurred on the surface of the vapor of the impact of vigorous exercise is considered.


 1. 서론
  1.1 위험물 저장소 현황
  1.2 불법 가열설비 설치 사유
  1.3 국내ㆍ외 연구 동향
 2. 본론
  2.1 사고사례
  2.2 화재재현실험
 3. 결론
 4. 정책 제언
  4.1 위험물 안전관리 분야
  4.2 소화방법 개선
  4.3 소화약제 개선
 5. 향후계획
 감사의 글


  • 홍이표 Yi Pyo Hong. 강원도 소방본부
  • 박정훈 Jung Hoon Park. 강원도 소방본부
  • 엄영섭 Young Sup Eum. 강원도 소방본부
  • 박광용 Kwang Yong Park. 강원도 소방본부
  • 최정열 Jung Yual Choi. 강원도 소방본부
  • 박순성 Soon Sung Park. 강원도 소방본부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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