

탈모관리에 이용되는 아로마오일의 경향성에 관한 연구


Tendency of Ingredient of Aroma Oil for Hair Loss Management

구지은, 함명옥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, we worked to find chemical tendencies through comparing chemical ingredient of aroma oil for Hair loss management. Comparing amount of chemical ingredient for dry scalp, oily scalp and sensitive scalp, we found the following results. Aroma oil for dry scalp has the highest amount of monoterphen and sesquiterpene in ingredient of sandalwood, chamomile. Aroma oil for oily scalp has the highest amount of monoterphen in ingredient of basil, rosemary, bergamot, cypress, juniper, teatree, lemon, rose. Aroma oil for sensitive scalp has the highest amount of monoterphen alcohol in ingredient of pepermint, lavender, rosemary, ylangylang, geranium, clarysage, basil. To summerize the results of the study, aroma oils that are catergorized for certain type of scalp have similarities in its composition. Though this study, we have suggested a basic of measuring effects of aromatheraphy according to chemical composition of aroma oil. It may provide for effective use of aromatherapy for scalp problem.


 이론적 고찰
  1. 아로마테라피
  2. 모발에 대한 배경이론
  3. 에센셜오일의 성분
 재료 및 방법
  1. 탈모에 사용되는 아로마오일과 화학구조
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 건성두피에 사용되는 아로마오일의 화학구조에대한 고찰
  2. 지성두피에 사용되는 아로마오일의 화학구조에대한 고찰
  3. 민감성두피에 사용되는 아로마오일의 화학구조에대한 고찰


  • 구지은 Koo, Ji Eun. 구미대학교 피부미용테라피과
  • 함명옥 Ham, Myung Ok. 구미대학교 피부미용테라피과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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